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Complaint filed against a Government Entity
Section 1: Complainant Details
Title *
Full Name of Complainant *
Full Name of Representative
Complainant Type *
Mobile Number *
Email *

Address Details
Building Name*
Street Name
Area *
Emirate *
P.O. Box *
Alternative Number

Please enter the One Time Password sent to your mobile number


Section 2: Entity Details
Name of Entity *

Section 3: Complaint Details
Please add the details related to the complaint *
Remedy Sought *
N.B.: In the event, it is necessary to obtain further clarification about the complaint, please use additional paper and attach this to the complaint.

Section 4: Supporting Documents

Please upload the following mandatory documentation :
• Documentation and evidence in support of the complaint
• Complainant Identification
• Power of Attorney for legal representatives

Attachments should not exceed 20 MB
Attachments titles should not be more than 128 characters and should not include any special characters
Any large attachments maybe submitted by hand or alternatively by email to

Section 5: Declaration and Undertaking
  I declare and undertake that all the information recorded is true and all documents submitted are authentic. I acknowledge that I will be held responsible for submission of any false information or documents.

An employee of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department shall contact you within one business day to examine the subject of the complaint and determine a meeting with you

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